
BOS, short for Blockchain Operating System, refers to a blockchain underlying operating system designed for practical economic applications. This system is oriented towards the value Internet, and manages various resources such as computing power, storage, communication, and value in a unified manner to achieve fully decentralized application of the blockchain system, thereby supporting the efficient operation of the value Internet. The BOS system will drive the blockchain into the "application era".


【10x Research:比特币价格是由需求驱动,这一进展凸显比特币与传统金融市场的日益融合】金色财经报道,10x Research发文表示,与人们普遍认为的相反,比特币的价格是由需求驱动的,而不是其(矿业)供应的变化。在比特币的五次牛市中,投资者获取比特币的方式不断创新,从早期的现货交易到利用期货、无担保借款、现货比特币 ETF 等工具,再到现在的 ETF 期权。


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