DeFIL - Decentralized finance of Filecoin, is a decentralized platform that is built on the Filecoin project with the goal of combining FIL mining pools with DeFi. Its main purpose is to increase the liquidity of FIL. DeFIL achieves this by offering a perfect incentive scheme, which includes interest and liquidity mining, to encourage users who are prepared to make long-term investments and already hold FIL to temporarily lend their FIL to miners. This not only addresses the pain points of miners who need to collateralize coins, but also allows users to earn additional income through the project.


【GMX V2 GM池流动性已远超GMX V1 GLP池】1月7日消息,GMX在X平台发文表示,目前GMX V2的GM池流动性远超GMX V1的GLP池。GM池TVL为2.84亿美元,而GLP池TVL为2.19亿美元。
此外,已有102,280名用户在GMX V2上进行交易,这证明了该模型的产品与市场契合度。隔离的GM资产池也比GLP模型更具可扩展性。GLP迁移激励将持续到1月30日。


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