


从其在 Web3 范畴添加和保护隐私协议的潜力,到验证买卖的效率的进步,该技能的施行正在进一步稳固区块链的开展和融入咱们的日常生活。

它在进步效率方面的效果一向占有中心舞台,因为 zk 证明答应在买卖中进行数据批处理,降低处理信息的核算要求以及存储在区块链网络上的数据量。



为了标志着对这一潜力的许诺和认可,以太坊和其他作为职业支柱的 Layer 1 渠道正在经过 ZK 技能的施行向结算和证明验证过渡。

跟着第 1 层集成该技能,咱们即将看到全职业的标准化。

经过经过更强壮的验证来保护 Web3 空间(这是一个迫切需求解决的问题),这种改变有可能稳固该职业的基础,并为其一向缺少的广泛选用铺平道路。


ZK 技能承当了克服去中心化应战的效果,即在当时解决方案中创立集中式验证中心,以及需求高效的体系来让人们轻松拜访额定的链。

跟着 Web3 空间的开展,重点是更广泛的去中心化体系叙说,坚持这种状态,并强调应用程序分片的未来对互操作性的需求。


在应对当时 Rollup 解决方案的复杂性时,Zk-rollups 占有了中心方位,经过更强壮的验证提供一流的安全确保,并仍然坚持隐私功用。

The dynamic interplay of scalability and privacy is a central theme in this transformation. Innovations such as Risc0, Gnark, ZK building tools, and pairing-friendly cryptography have facilitated the building and application of ZK technology. While ZK tools are becoming easier to build and integrate, masternodes and keeper-based infrastructure, additional privacy-focused mechanisms, are undergoing a paradigm shift towards ZK, and hardware acceleration projects like cysic.xyz, promise performance levels akin to Solana.

These advancements address scalability challenges by combining the best of vertical scalability with the security properties of horizontal scalability.

Lastly, ZK tech has also proven to strengthen bridges between layers, an imperative for interoperability and future growth. Current bridging systems have quickly led to centralized nodes, not only creating dramatic security vulnerabilities, but potentially curbing the future free access to applications, assets, and ecosystems, core industry components that should not be subject to control by private entities.

An additional promising solution is represented by Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC). The commitment to decentralization is not only a technical endeavor but also a philosophical stance, and we should strive to ensure that anyone can participate in the network.

Privacy as a Core Value in ZK Technology

Privacy takes center stage as a core value in the evolution of ZK technology. As a security measure, further verification methods have been needed to stymie the rampant hacks across the Web3 industry.

Currently, this means limiting the privacy of each party involved. With ZK proofs, entities can issue the verification before any transfers, providing only key data points to validate the transaction. In concrete terms, this would be like validating a company’s creditworthiness without opening up its entire financials.

The commitment to privacy is not just a philosophical stance in blockchain; it’s a practical necessity. Privacy is depicted as a countermeasure to malicious Miner Extractable Value (MEV), a process where miners validate transactions for a fee, thus ensuring fair and competitive markets.

Specific projects like Penumbra, Anoma, and Nym exemplify the importance of privacy. In a world where privacy is compromised, the potential for exclusion and censorship looms large, emphasizing ZK Proofs’ pivotal role in ensuring a robust and inclusive Web3 landscape.

Impact on the Future of Web3

The retrospective glance at 2023 showcases the strides made by ZK technology, with projects like Nova, Lasso, and Jolt leaving an indelible mark on the Web3 ecosystem. These projects have made building and integrating ZK Proofs into existing systems easier.

但是,它也揭示了职业面临的应战,例如牢靠的可扩展性、安全的互操作性、中心化体系的潜力,以及在咱们的日常生活中建立 Web3 需求做的作业。

展望 2024 年,跟着 DeFi 体系、加密钱银买卖和跨链 dApp 迁移到 ZK 支撑的区块链,咱们将看到链上活动发生改变。

越来越多的应用程序可能会转向 zk-tech,利用它来实现更高效的空投以及更加私密和安全的买卖。



考虑到 ZK 技能的技能开支较高,咱们必须为开发人员提供易于使用的东西,将 ZK 技能融入到他们的项目中,并提供教育资源和支撑来辅导他们完成这一过程。

期望为不可避免的 zk 驱动的未来做好准备的项目能够经过与现有的 zk 项目协作并一起将该技能施行到现有模型中来实现。

2023 年是变革的一年,突显了 ZK 技能在 DeFi、加密钱银和增强去中心化方面的影响力奉献。

即使面临继续的商场应战,开发人员的达观态度及其在塑造 2024 年 ZK 技能未来中所扮演的人物也是清楚明了的。

这是一种达观情绪,源于对 Web3 下一步的预期,以及 ZK Proofs 现在提供的潜在潜力,将职业推入规划和开展的新时代。




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