DeerBit Global, a multi-decentralized trading platform for digital assets, is created by Deerbit Technology LLC in the United States. The platform was in development starting in 2018, and after a year of testing and development, it officially launched on August 11, 2019. DeerBit Global aims to become a securities-grade trading platform, providing users with a secure, convenient, fair, and just experience in trading digital assets. The platform has the most comprehensive product line and a complete industrial strategic layout within the industry. Additionally, DeerBit Global is committed to continually updating its technology to provide users with higher quality and more efficient services.

In the short span from its official launch in the second half of 2019 to 2020, DeerBit Global has accrued over 1 million registered users and over 100,000 daily active users, thanks to its strong investment background and top-notch service experience. The platform currently offers 3 trading sections (Mainstream Section, Launch Innovation Section, and Future Plan Section) to bridge the gap between project parties and users.

DeerBit Global seamlessly integrates the advantages of centralized operations and decentralized trading, combining strong liquidity, high-level security protection, and fairness and transparency with efficiency development. The core of DeerBit Global's development is based on fair and reasonable trading mechanisms, aiming to promote a healthy cycle among enterprises, users, and exchanges, and to collectively become participants and witnesses to the blockchain technology wave.


【比特币矿企Stronghold完成1500万美元的股权融资】金色财经报道,上市的比特币矿企Stronghold Digital Mining宣布与一家机构投资者签订了价值1500万美元的证券购买协议,Stronghold表示将该笔资金用于扩大其采矿设备数量并推动其碳捕获计划向前发展。
今年早些时候,该公司与嘉楠耘智的Cantaloupe Digital建立了合作伙伴关系,以增强其算力。此次注资是通过以平均每股6.71美元的价格出售230万股SDIG A类股票来实现的。此外,Stronghold还提供了Panther Creek采矿设施的最新情况,显示该站点在2023年11月20日至12月7日期间以60%的容量运行。


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